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In response to the implementation plan of the "Vision 2030" & "the Belt and Road" Initiative and promote the “Pilot Training Ending With Employment Program”, OxfordSaudia and YCATCO have signed a contract to jointly launch a flight instructor recruitment project in China.
The contact information of the Chinese recruitment party is as follows:
Yongchang Aviation Int’l Talent Coop. Co. Ltd.(“YCATCO”) with principal place of business at Room #1816-1817, Tower A, Shimao Skyscraper, No.51, Dama Road, Yantai, Shandong Prov., China; P.C.: 264000,
Office Fax:+86-535-4104228;Mobile:18254571829;Email:[email protected]
Contact information for recruiting teachers
Recruiting Pilots Teacher Wei - YCATCO
Contact phone/WeChat: 18006456589
Contact email: [email protected] ;
Recruiting Pilots Teacher Liu – YCATCO SHANGHAI
Contact phone/WeChat: 18016057975
Contact email: [email protected];
Recruiting Pilots Teacher Meng – YCATCO SHANDONG
Contact phone/WeChat: 13376456427
Contact email: [email protected];
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Saudi Aramco Aviation Rd, King Fahd International Airport, Dammam 32552, Saudi Arabia